Sunday, June 29, 2008

At Rest

This is a picture of my newest grandson, Jack.

Jack is a very peaceful baby.

Jack doesn’t worry about a lot of things. He doesn’t wonder where his next meal is coming from or how he is going to be able to afford to put gas in the car. He has already learned, in the short few weeks that he’s been here, that if he needs something, his mommy or his daddy, or someone who loves him, is going to make sure that he gets it.

He might not get it as quickly as he thinks he should, but he’s going to get it. All he has to do is ask . . . well, cry, and he’ll get what he needs, and be well satisfied, and taken care of, and loved.

I cried to the LORD with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill. Selah
Psalms 3:4 (NKJ)

As you can see in this picture of my grandson, Jack is at rest. He's trusting in his mommy and daddy. How much more should we be at rest, trusting in our Heavenly Father?

Be anxious for nothing . . . let your requests be made known to God.
Phillipians 4:6 (NKJ)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

So, now what?

"So, now what?

“Look what you’ve started, Robert. You were so excited to have begun your very own blog. You went out and invited people to read it, and they actually did. And they even acted like they might be willing to read more of what you write! They were gracious and encouraging . . . .

“So, now what?

“You've looked around on the Internet enough to know that there are all kinds of blogs out there. And just how many of those were you even a little interested in? That’s what I thought. So, why would yours be any different. Why would anyone look forward to your next posting?

“So, now what? Whatcha-gonna-do-now?”

Well, I’ll tell you what I am going to do. I am going to step out in FAITH. . . and write. You see, I know this as well as I know my own name: I have been given a gift by God Himself. It’s a gift--an ability to write. When it is in operation at it’s best, I stand back in amazement at what I have written. That’s how I know it is God that is forming the words in my heart; when I am blessed (sometimes even to tears) by reading something I just wrote.

I just start out, and trust Him to do the rest. I don’t have to worry about the result. That’s not my job. It’s His job to make what He will out of it. And He is ever faithful and true. He meets me here and carries me to places and shows me things beyond myself. How wonderful is that? Who wouldn’t want to see God in action--moving through the gifts that He Himself has placed on the inside of them?

This is what FAITH is all about. It’s about knowing that you know something will happen. You might not know all the how, why, or when of it . . . but you know . . . you are thoroughly convinced and have a deep inside peace . . . and nothing can change that which you hold in your heart. Sometimes, your mind might want you to doubt. It may look beyond impossible, but your heart is steadfast, unshakable, unwavering--trusting in Him--at rest, knowing He will do it.

“So, now what?”

So, now I write . . . The Song of My Heart, The Words That I Write.

Author’s Note: I’m quite sure there are blogs out there which would interest you. If my blog interests you, you might want to take a look at another one that is worthy of your time. It's by Gary S. Chapman, an amazing photographer, an even more amazing man of God. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

And so I begin.

Thank you for joining me on what I hope will be a life changing adventure for me and for anyone who will go with me. It is my intention that this blog will mainly focus on faith and love, conveyed through the power of words. Still, it is likely to be a journey of unexpected discoveries, as I only have a starting point, and the destination is not entirely defined.

As a retail manager, I often quiz my staff on what the "goal" is. If they don't know the goal, the next thing I say is, "So you're taking a trip, but you don't know where you're going. So how will you know when you get there?" Goals are vital to success in business and necessary in our personal lives if anything is going to get done. But I sometimes feel as if we are setting ourselves up to miss so much of what God has for us if we are goal driven in everything we do.

Nothing would thrill me more than to be able to afford to get in my car and drive with no particular destination other than to discover what is out there to see. No clearly defined goal, open to whatever I might find. So this is why I have decided to begin this blog--because I can't afford to get in my car and drive with no particular destination other than to discover what is out there to see.

(My brother John has a wonderful posting on his blog that speaks to this very idea. You can find it at: )

Words, however, are free. And they can take you to some amazing places. They can touch you, inform you, empower you, console you, inspire you . . . set you free!

So it is with a good deal of excitement that I begin. I begin this journey at the coaxing of my brother John, whose love and support of me has been immeasurable over the years, but especially now. How can I say thanks, John? It is too big for words. And when it's too big for words, that's when you know . . . it is LOVE.