Saturday, July 12, 2008

To Live Without Regrets

Ever wonder what it would be like to live without regrets? To feel good about every single thing that you did, every word that you spoke, every thought that you pondered. No regrets. No looking back and thinking, “Oh, I wish I hadn’t . . . .”

I’d like to suggest that if that were ever to happen, it would only happen as a result of totally and completely surrendering every thought, word, and action to love . . . to God’s love in us.

I remember my brother telling me something a very long time ago, about the girlfriend he had at the time. He said that he had never heard her say anything bad about someone else. As I listened to her in the weeks and months that followed, I found what he said to be true. And I also noticed that when someone else began to be critical of another person, she was always quick to come to their defense with a possible reason why they had acted the way they did. I was so impressed by her example, that I determined in my heart not to ever speak badly of another person as long as I lived. Five minutes later, after failing terribly, I realized that I had a lot of work ahead of me.

Now, thirty something years later, I’m ashamed to admit that I still have so far to go. And it isn’t even like I don’t know what I need to do to make it happen. I do know.

First, I need to let God love me--accept His love, and take a good look at the way He loves me “in spite of . . . .”

Secondly, I need to love God--and in loving Him, I will want to please Him.

And then, because of my personal relationship with God, I will begin to see others as God sees them--not only as they are now, but also as He intended for them to be.

And finally, I need to bring my thoughts under control--to choose what things I allow to stay in my thoughts, because it’s not so much about not ever having a bad thought, but rather not allowing those thoughts to linger.

Seems simple enough, right? So, next time I’m tempted to say something bad about someone, I’m going to try to give them the benefit of the doubt. I’m going to try to understand that I don’t know everything about their situation. I’m going to try to slow down enough to realize that I don’t know what battles they are fighting. I’m going to try to look for their potential. I’m going to try to realize that they probably just need some love and understanding, and that it isn’t always easy to find it in our world. And I’m not going to later regret what I thought, said, or did.

Well, at least I’m going to try. How about you?

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God . . . .” 1 John 4:7a (NKJ)


John T. McArthur said...

One of the things I tell my boys is this, "Even when you can't control what happens to you in this world, you can control how you react. So, choose to be happy." Choosing to be happy is much like living without regrets.
Thanks for your post.

Anonymous said...

I really like what John said. Its been really hard these past few months trying to see the "light at the end of the tunnel" or to make sure that I react "postively" to the bad things that have happened. My dad was diagnosed with and extremely rare form of Kidney cancer ( had surgery and is now on Chemo) and my sister with Chronic Inflammatory Immune something....and is now waiting for a comformation of Endometriosis; at the age of 18! Its been so hard for me to "choose" to react postively and to trust that God knows what he is doing. I know that God has a plan for my family and I but sometimes everything seems so unfair. Please keep my family in your prayers........

Anonymous said...

I also liked what john said. I myself have been going through some extremely hard times as well.Even though it's not as crucial as Alex, my situation is more of a personal issue. I'm trying to find me again and now I'm realizing that even though in the past I wanted to be like someone else, after everything ive been going through I wish I was who I used to be again.I want my future to be bright but I'm starting to see that visualizing a happier future is only a result of me doing something about the "demons" that are stopping me from doing what's needed to get me there.To be more specific,Ive changed in ways that I let negativity greatly affect me and even though I get advice from those I trust, my advice is the only advice that will help heal the wounds that were deeply made within me.I do have regrets but I'm CHOOSING to learn from my mistakes & Im on my way to becoming the woman I need to be...I owe it to myself more than anything!! :)