Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thoughts From The Shower

Have you ever read something, or heard something, given it a little thought, only to have it come back up again and again into your mind, almost forcing you to take more time considering it?

That is exactly what happened to me this morning. I read a quote, thought about it very briefly, and then as I showered to get ready for work, I couldn't get away from it!

The quote is from the Chinese philosopher, Confucius (BC 551-BC 479).

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

How often do we set off down that road towards revenge thinking only about what our revenge will do to that OTHER person, without considering what it will do to US?

One of my favorite Bible truths is that you will reap what you sow. (At least, it is until I find myself wanting to get even with someone for something they have done!)

We get bombarded on every side with the idea of revenge. It permeates the themes of movies, television, and even water cooler discussions at work! But, too often it is all focused on the satisfaction of "getting back," rather than the consequences to the vengeful one!

There is a delicate balance between standing up for what is right and seeking out revenge against a wrongdoer. Being able to travel that path is just a matter of choosing to do what is right and good.

Okay, I never said it was easy! I just said it was a choice.

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