Monday, March 9, 2009

Of Things Fragile and Delicately Balanced, Of Things Not Promised Beyond This Moment

My sister is truly an amazing person. She has an inner beauty that resonates on so many different levels. She is loving, caring, compassionate and brings much joy and laughter into the many lives that she touches.

Being the only girl in our family, with three brothers, she is quick to let you know that she is the princess. But don't think for a moment that this means she is prissy, by any means. She has a zest--a particularly keen enjoyment--for life, that comes, I think, from an appreciation for all the blessings of God that surround her each and every day.

She lives with her husband in the ski country of the mountains of Colorado, and takes full advantage of the opportunities that she has to participate in outdoor activities like camping, hiking, biking, kayaking, snow-shoeing, and, of course, skiing. Well, that is, she has until recently.

Just over a week ago, toward the end of a day full of skiing the slopes with friends, she fell and broke both bones of her lower right leg. Very suddenly everything in her life changed. After surgery to repair the damage, her very active lifestyle was replaced with a very restricted one which included no weight bearing on the injured leg for eight weeks and continued therapy after that. Quite a change for someone who is always on the go!

It could have been much worse. She will recover. She will walk, hike, bike, kayak, snow-shoe, and yes, probably ski again.

But it has made me think about how fragile and delicately balanced our lives are, and how suddenly everything that we know can change. And it has also reminded me that we are not promised more than this very moment. And so we should live each moment to it's fullest, grateful to God for His blessings to us.

Where I live is much different than where she lives . . . or probably from where you live. But God's hand is evident in all things that surround us if we will take the time to see.

Where I live, each morning I have the opportunity to walk and appreciate the beauty of what He has placed before me in this moment.

When I live in this moment, I find that I can have hope for those things to come.

" The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard." Psalm 19: 1-3 (NKJ)


Anonymous said...

You made me cry! You are so very special, and your writings are beautiful. Thank you so much for your love which brightens my spirits and keeps me full of life! Love, Jean

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration to me and I am sure to many others who read your blog or have contact with you. If we all could see the beauty in God's creation and particularly in many, many people what a difference that would make! We are blessed beyond all measure.

Anonymous said...

Right on Robert!

Anonymous said...

I need to contact your sister and ask her how she found her Zest!

Robert Alan McArthur said...

In the center of the last photograph that I included in this post, are several mallard duck eggs--hope for things to come. I mention it because most of the people that read my blog didn't see them hiding there.